Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Christmas Shoes

This is what you get when Mom gets sucked into a great Christmas movie. When the kids are up I generally don't watch something for me, it's either nothing (the norm), Baby Einstein, Signing Time, or our new fav...Little People. But I have been in a funk lately, not sure why, so I put The Christmas Shoes on while doing dinner. And Jeff wasn't home to make fun of me, so I boobed (in Ellsworth this means cried) through most of it and loved every minute of it. And it was ok that Carter and Clara were playing in the non-safety proofed cabinets, I needed it. The funk isn't totally gone, but I'm starting to feel a little more of the Christmas spirit.


The Barbers said...

It happens to many of us. (The funk) I hope you are feeling back to normal soon. Love ya!

{autie} said...

Just watched the stinkin' show. Good thing mom wasn't here...I boobed worse than dad!!! Sorry about the funk..how about coming over for a quick cure?
love you and wish you guys were here!